The Lone Star Region of the Vintage Chevrolet Club of America
March 24, 2018; Meet up 9:50 AM 4200 S Bowen Rd (behind the QuickTrip) Arlington. Depart at 10:00 AM and drive the back roads to 814 Water St (Catfish Plantation) Waxahachie.
Wayne and Betty’s Monte Carlo
Wayne took this picture.

31291 hits

The Lineup
10 old cars represented 18 members.

29397 hits

Catfish Plantation

14999 hits

Grub Run Meet Up (Elmer A., Anna P.)

6647 hits

Grub Run Meet Up
Glen & Eileen, Clay & Judy, Roger & Anna, Bobby

6380 hits

March 24 2018 Waxahachie Grub Run

12844 hits