The Lone Star Region of the Vintage Chevrolet Club of America
Visitors Center 3
Members Ken, Clint, Barry, Jerry, et al listen to our guide's tour instructions in the recently-opened Visitor Center.

4177 hits

Visitors Center 2
Members Eileen and Anna.

4116 hits

Visitors Center
Member Wayne gets us started.

4138 hits

Vintage Chevy Lineup
Chevrolet cars and trucks from many decades participated in the tour.

3991 hits

Vintage Chevy Lineup 2
Our vintage Chevrolet cars and trucks parked in front of the visitor center.

4415 hits

Vintage Chevy Lineup 3
They look good from this view, too.

4368 hits

Tools from the era
A collection of vintage tools on display in the Man house represent those available when the house was built in the 1860s.

4221 hits

Yarn Wreath
This delicate yarn wreath was on display in the parlor of the Man house.

4023 hits

Log Cabin
The original section of the home was a log cabin. Later additions were brick.

3797 hits

Floor Cloth 2
A plaque describing the symbols and significance of the Man house floor cloth.

4254 hits

Hair Wreath
Another wreath on display, this one made of human hair. A Man family heirloom.

4070 hits

Handmade Domino Game Set
On display in the parlor was a set of handmade dominos, also correct for the late 1800 time period when the Man family built and lived in this home.

4082 hits

Floor Cloth
This floor cloth is in the parlor of the Man house and is a reproduction of the type used in the era when the house was built.

3983 hits

Original Barn
Looking northwest; Walnut Creek is to the north and behind the barn.

4363 hits

Side and Rear
Looking southwest

4056 hits


4112 hits